Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Jacket Spuds in the Woodburner Wednesday 30.11.10

We've been making jacket spuds in our woodburner for over a year and we think we've pretty much perfected the technique.

Here's how we get perfect jacketers every time.

If you want to try this, first assemble your kit. We use 3 bread tins. At least one of them small enough to fit inside one of the others (does that make sense)? 

Oil the spuds - not an essential activity, but it will stop the spuds sticking and is nice for your hands.

Set up your two, odd sized, tins as above; remembering to pop your spud/s inside.

Damp/turn down the woodburner. Those flames have got to disappear.

You need hotly glowing embers like these. Flatten an area on which to stand your tins.

Place a tin on the embers; it can be any way up. Then stand your spuds on top, in their tins. They only just go into our woodburner. This set up will stop the spuds turning to charcoal on the bottom.

After about 40 minutes to an hour get them out - PHHNAR - golden balls, crisp on the bottom, but not singed. 

OK, I'll stop now : )

Serve with the meal of your choice.

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