Monday, 5 September 2011

Vegs With Everything

What do any of us do with a surfeit of veges?

Give them away? Been doing that.
Compost them? Not on your life.
Eat them? Definitely.
Sell them? only if I have huge surplus, and I don't really.
Keep them for later? I'm using a friends freezer, it's the cheapest electricity I know of!

But how to freeze/store courgettes there's a question.

Here was yesterdays attempt, I wanted to fill up the oven, because Helen had explained permaculture to me. Apparently, everything MUST have 3 uses. It's what the reat of us skinflints have always done, but with the addition of the OCD part, that involves the ritual of counting every use!

So I made:-
 *Courgette and Choccy cake - in thin slabs, to layer up into a 4 layer gateaux 15 - 20 mins, and with the spare mix, a cake (in the pink mould) 30-40 mins.
*Stuffed courgette flowers in a tomato sauce - STUFFING, finely grated cheese:  finely chopped, fresh parsley, lemon balm and marjoram herbs: mustard: enough yoghurt to bind it all into a paste. Stuff into flowers and lay them into a pretty dish. Pour over a simple tomato sauce - fry onion in a table spoon of oil, add tin toms and a D spoon tom purée, cook for 10 or so minutes. Take off heat and throw in chopped garlic. Stir and pour over stuffed flowers.15-20mins.
*Bread rolls with grated beetroot in them - any vegetable/rice/potato bread recipe will do for this, switching your veg of the day for the one in the recipe.15mins
*Jacket potatoes to go with the courgette flowers. 30-40mins.

All in oven at 180C 

If I had time, a second set of food would have filled the oven for the last 15-20 mins. But I had to go swimming - like you do, and left the timing conundrum to MeWally!

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