Friday, 29 October 2010

Preparing Geotropa Fungi Friday 29.10.10

These FUNGI need to be cleaned by gently brushing water across them to remove grit and leaf litter etc.

Then the stipes should be cut off and split length ways to check for maggot infestation. If they're clear, they can be dried for cooking. The top of the fungi can be cut up, after checking the centre for maggots. Discard any parts that have maggots.

Spread the chopped up fungi onto a baking tray and dry in an oven, under a grill, or, as here, on top of the wood burner.

If this fungi is dried until it's almost charred, it will taste really good when rehydrated!

Stuff them into an air tight jar once they're done to a crisp and perfectly cold.

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